DELL’AQUILA PDO, was founded
with a deed on 13/05/2005, and
registered in the CCIAA Register
of Companies of L’Aquila on
22/06/2005, REA no. 110993.
“Zafferano dell’Aquila” was
registered in the PDO
Commission Register with
registration no. CE 205/2005
on 04/02/2005 completing
the attachment Reg. CE
2400/1996 for the registration of
The Consortium is currently
funded by the European
Community Reg. CEE No.
1257/1999 for the sale of quality
agricultural products PSR 2000
– 2006 Abruzzo Region, “M”
Measure(ment) – Year 2005.
The current scenario of
regulation and evolution in food
consumption, makes it necessary
to control the whole production
line, from the producer to the
consumer. This applies even
more so to PDO products as
their intrinsic high quality must
be guaranteed.
The technical objective the Consortium fixes itself is rapid and sure traceabilityof the lots of materials used (raw materials, packaging, etc.) and of the fi nished products in order to be able to retrace the origin and destination: the certifi cate of Traceability of the production line, based on conformity to the requirements specifi ed in Regulations UNI 10939/2001 and 11020/2002 makes it possible to reconstruct the complete history of a product and to follow the use to which it is put by means of documented identifi cation.
The producers who can apply the designation “Zafferano dell’Aquila” are entered in specifi c register lists kept by the control commission together with the registered parcels of the land on which the product is cultivated.
The possibility to trace the origin as well as to determine the activities involved in the various stages of production and marketing is a guarantee for the consumer as it formally identifi es the responsibility of all the participants in producing the fi nished product. This product, thus certifi ed, will allow the consumer of Zafferano dell’Aquila to clearly understand, from the label, the origin, the safety and purity of the product, which is naturally an advantage for the brand too.

The technical objective the Consortium fixes itself is rapid and sure traceabilityof the lots of materials used (raw materials, packaging, etc.) and of the fi nished products in order to be able to retrace the origin and destination: the certifi cate of Traceability of the production line, based on conformity to the requirements specifi ed in Regulations UNI 10939/2001 and 11020/2002 makes it possible to reconstruct the complete history of a product and to follow the use to which it is put by means of documented identifi cation.
The producers who can apply the designation “Zafferano dell’Aquila” are entered in specifi c register lists kept by the control commission together with the registered parcels of the land on which the product is cultivated.
The possibility to trace the origin as well as to determine the activities involved in the various stages of production and marketing is a guarantee for the consumer as it formally identifi es the responsibility of all the participants in producing the fi nished product. This product, thus certifi ed, will allow the consumer of Zafferano dell’Aquila to clearly understand, from the label, the origin, the safety and purity of the product, which is naturally an advantage for the brand too.